Thursday, September 23, 2010


It is time that we start evaluating ourselves on the international scale. Why can not we plan properly , why can't we get the venues ready six months before he start of CWG. Who did not know that August and September are months full of rain which would not let you free sunny days to finish construction work. But why be at the mercy of the rain gods.WHY WE CAN NOT PLAN, EXECUTE AND TEST IN SUCH A MANNER WE ARE READY WITH ALL SPORTING FACILITIES 6 MONTHS BEFORE THE EVENT . WHY WE ARE REBUKED AND TOLD BY OTHERS THAT WE ARE NOT UP TO THE MARK IN CREATION OF THE FACILITIES. It only lays bare the lackadaisical , callous and laid back approach of the organisations involved in the execution of the provision of sporting facilities at all the avenues. I do not think we need some foreign CWG official to tell us how filthy are the games village facilities. My dear fellow country men time has come to introspect. What we expected others to say in hushed tones is now being said loud and clear on the international media about our ability and approach to holding such mega events. Why do not we fix responsibilities at highest level,why do not the ministers resign, why bureaucrats are still clinging to their jobs by the skin of their teeth. is is said it will be done after the games are over but please do it. Why we keep claiming that we are about to join the developed countries league. Yes we are about to join but before that let us first change our attitudes and work culture to sustain our place in the league of the developed countries. Let us first have a re look at the system and our work culture in which we spend crores to build facilities but do not even spend thousands to keep them clean. It is being said that WE INDIANS ARE BEST IN CONSTRUCTING BIG BUILDINGS BUT WORST AT MAINTAINING THEM. But here in this case we have not been able to get them up and running forget about maintaining them . Can somebody own up responsibilities and resign or leave high pedestals on moral grounds to own up responsibilities and lackadaisical attitude of their respective organisations which have brought us this national shame.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. All the best for the cause you are working for through your writing and social interaction.
